lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016


The most common image file formats,are JPG, TIF, PNG, and GIF.

JPG is the most used image file format. Digital cameras and web pages normally use JPG files - because JPG heroically compresses the data to be very much smaller in the file.

TIF is lossless (including LZW compression option), which is considered the highest quality format for commercial work. The TIF format is not necessarily any "higher quality"

GIF was designed by CompuServe in the early days of computer 8-bit video, before JPG, for video display at dial up modem speeds. GIF discards all Exif data, and while GIF is fine for video screen purposes, GIF does Not retain printing resolution values. 

PNG can replace GIF today (web browsers show both), and PNG also offers many options of TIF too (indexed or RGB, 1 to 48-bits, etc).


It's JPG, because because JPG heroically compresses the data to be very much smaller in the file.



This is our web site about dancing

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

Session 14


What is a hacker ?
Are a nasty short they try to steal the information packets carry like credit card numbers and passwords.

What is a virus?
Also attack computers ans servers. They cause problems like sending emails that you havent written and destroing the information store inside computers.

What is a ruter?
Move information along the internet by finding the shortest and fasthes path to the destination computer.

What can happen when packets of information are send by internet?
that separate the information and it can be lost.

Wellcome to Pour-ar-prince, the capital of haiti,
Pierre wants to send e-mail to his family to help to have a clean water Montagues noires,because Charlie every day have to go to drink it, and be late 3 hours. For all this thinks Charlie can't go to school with her friends and study every day.
10 years ago the water be free and cleen, but now it has virus, bacteries, etc.
Peter intervents to enter in the inernet pass , and avait diferents things dangerous (ex: virus, hackers...).
Finaly  delivery the e-mail to Charlie and her parents do the project clean water, and Charlie has go to school with other children's.


You shouldn't give your adress to strangers.
You shouldn't give your telephon number to strange persons.
You must install anti virus software.
You must monitor constantly with the person that you chat.
You musn't enter in a prohivition pages.
You should say the police at dangerous moments.

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016



1. IT is abbrebation for Information Technology   TRUE
2. The Internet and the Word Wibe Web (www) are the same thing?    TRUE
3.A browser is a perso who enjoys looking at the WWW?     FALSE
4..Yo can see pictures and words on-line but you cannot listen to sounds.    FLASE
5. You need a newest fastest computer to youse the Web.           FALSE
6. Most internet youse man.    FALSE
7.@ is callet 'at' in English.     TRUE

BROWSER     :Software that lets you acces WWW.
DOWLOAND: To get programs from internet.
CHAT             : To have a conversation trough the internet by writing or speaking.
E-MAIL          : Leters  you send by Internet.
A MODEM    : Computers program.
WI-FI             : Wirlles device that allows computers to connect to the Internet using a Router.
ON-LINE       : When you are connected in-line.
SOFTWARE  : Thing that connectes to Internet.
SCROLL DOWN/UP  : Move the page up or down using teh side tabs with your mouse.

I use a fast modem to connect my computer to internet.
RealPlayer is computer  sofwar  that you use to listen on the Word Wibe Web.
I allways save my documents floppy disks.
Chat is a good way of metting  other peoples in the Internet.
A beep is a sound that your computer makes when there is an error.

What ist the difernce  between a search engine and browers?

That a brower is a sofwer and search engine is the motor of the internet.

Witch search engine do you use more?

We use more the google.

Witch browser do you use more?

We use more the Google Chrome


lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2016


1.1- The brand of this computer is ANTEC.
1.2-The operayting system of the computer is Windows.
1.4.-The mouse have two bottoms.
1.5.- Yes they have this tree drives.
1.6- RETURN: retroceder   SPACE BAR: barra de espacio   SHIFT- mayuscula  TAB- tabulador  DELETE- borrar
CONTROL-  control   ESCAPE- salir de la pantalla grande    HYPHEN OR DASH- guión   PERIOD OR DOT- punto
COM A- coma   COLON- dos puntos   RIGHT PARENTHEIS- parentesis derecho   SLASH-  barra  curvada    AT SYMBOL- simbol

1. menu   2.  window     3. icon      4. file    5. word procedador   6. click     7. cursor     8. highliht 

1. Duplicate highlighted text /images to put somewhere  else::: COPY
2. Preserve the contents of a document:   SAVE
3.Cut text/images from one place and put them somewhere else:  CUT AND PASTE
4.Open an existing document:         OPEN
5. Create a new document:   NEW
6. Send the contents of a document to the printer:   PRINT
7. Close the document without quitting the word processor:  CLOSE
8. Save the contents of a document under a new file name:  SAVE AS