lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016



1. IT is abbrebation for Information Technology   TRUE
2. The Internet and the Word Wibe Web (www) are the same thing?    TRUE
3.A browser is a perso who enjoys looking at the WWW?     FALSE
4..Yo can see pictures and words on-line but you cannot listen to sounds.    FLASE
5. You need a newest fastest computer to youse the Web.           FALSE
6. Most internet youse man.    FALSE
7.@ is callet 'at' in English.     TRUE

BROWSER     :Software that lets you acces WWW.
DOWLOAND: To get programs from internet.
CHAT             : To have a conversation trough the internet by writing or speaking.
E-MAIL          : Leters  you send by Internet.
A MODEM    : Computers program.
WI-FI             : Wirlles device that allows computers to connect to the Internet using a Router.
ON-LINE       : When you are connected in-line.
SOFTWARE  : Thing that connectes to Internet.
SCROLL DOWN/UP  : Move the page up or down using teh side tabs with your mouse.

I use a fast modem to connect my computer to internet.
RealPlayer is computer  sofwar  that you use to listen on the Word Wibe Web.
I allways save my documents floppy disks.
Chat is a good way of metting  other peoples in the Internet.
A beep is a sound that your computer makes when there is an error.

What ist the difernce  between a search engine and browers?

That a brower is a sofwer and search engine is the motor of the internet.

Witch search engine do you use more?

We use more the google.

Witch browser do you use more?

We use more the Google Chrome


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